Hello Fitness Magazine generally meets with their features over a cup of coffee, but oh! How we wish we had met this fantastic Zumba instructor, Bhavita Parekh on stage! Her wild curls, zesty energy, and vibrant aura take up everyone like a hurricane.
Zooming into the past of Bhavita Parekh
Motherhood is indeed magic to mothers. It takes them places and unfurls the potential they never knew existed. Even for Bhavita, it all started with her pregnancy. A 45 kg weighing Bhavita became a 104kg pregnant lady, giving birth to twins, weighing 3kg each!
She spent two years focusing solely on her children, making sure they get the best years possible. And when the two bags of mischievous flesh and bone entered kindergarten, she got some air to focus on herself. It was then that she decided to lose the pregnancy weight.
Soon, in her drawing room, she would turn on youtube and exercise. That was when the joyful, energetic, fast-moving Zumba (that immensely helps in weight loss) took her attention, and she heard her calling. Hence, she started her lessons in Zumba.
Soon her heart-winning energy and aura won over her instructor as well, who insisted that Bhavita join her classes as an instructor. But her easy moves and vivacity were not enough, for professionally, she still needed a licence to have the world swoon with her. So she called up her mentor Mr. ZES - Dheeraj Sud in Ahmedabad.
Now she is an internationally acclaimed licensed Zumba instructor (ZIN that they call it) and a proud member of the Zumba Instructor Network! She now owns three branches of her fitness club and more than fifteen collaborations with others.

Zooming into the present of Bhavita Parekh
I just want that when people leave my classes, they have a smile on their faces. They should be satisfied with that 1-2 hour session. Money is always secondary.
Ten minutes into the conversation, we felt comfortable with her, enjoying her energetic vibes. And that’s her magic trick to having around 10,000 women dance with her since she started her career nine years ago.
I have clients who have been with me since I started. A 75-year-old lady is one of them.
Once, a client of hers brought a lady suffering from depression. That was indeed a challenge to her. She asked her to join her classes and got to work. Three months later, they were at the very same lady’s house, partying.
Her husband was giving out gifts to everyone. He thanked me and said, My wife began laughing because of you.
Belongs to her family, belongs to herself
Though not just a swooning Zumba trainer, Bhavita Parekh is a mother of two sons, a wife of a very supportive businessman, and a daughter-in-law living with a joint family.

Sometimes, she wakes up at 3.30 in the morning to prepare food for her family and do some chores. Then she dutifully gives one hour for choreography and creates dance sequences.
No matter how busy I am, I will find that one hour. Then, be it in the kitchen while cooking!
As a reflection of the ideal Indian woman, she takes care of her family while living her dreams!
Though Bhavita Parekh was always an aspiring woman, she wished to switch from a Gujarati medium school to an English medium school, which demanded a much higher fee. But there was no stopping the ambitious Bhavita, who decided to take tuitions of around 20-25 students to study in her dream school.
Her zeal and activeness didn’t fail to take us by surprise yet again when she mentioned that she has won national level competitions in orating, state level competitions in writing, and has a knack for cooking and designing among other things. She, to this date, designs her clothes.
So what do you do for mental fitness, we asked?
Why, I just spend my time with my children and every stress and fatigue fades away.
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