There is literally no room for chit-chat, because of all that we came to know about this ambitious man, we better hop and start the ride, for it’s going to be a long smooth one!
Our protagonist’s father was engaged in the diamond business, but an unfortunate incident led to his death, leaving him with two younger siblings, a grieving mother, and a lot of debt to pay. They paid off all the debt by selling away their assets. None of their relatives were in Surat during these dire times, though his uncle had supported them all the way being 13500 km away in America.
The family, though, decided to stay in Surat and continue their education. His mother, the ever-so superwoman, never remarried and took the responsibility of three children alone.
It was at the age of 18, that our protagonist’s professional engine revved. His uncle’s allowances were not enough for the three children’s education. So, he took up an odd job of transferring goods from a warehouse to a truck and vice versa, meanwhile continuing his diploma in automobile engineering at night college - Gandhi Engineering College.

Within 18 months, the 800rs earning man was promoted to supervisor, earning 2500 rs per month. In the next 8 months, he adorned the chair of the factory manager, taking home 4000 a month. But soon his biological clock began ticking, and he wished to marry. He requested a hike in salary, but it was denied.
It didn’t take me 3 seconds to leave the job.
Ladies and gentlemen, introducing Yatin Bhakta! And this is not a story, but a journey, (by car!)
How the wheel steers
Yatin Bhakta roamed around for 1.5 months seeking a job. He had to leave college with only a few semesters between him and his degree.
One day, while wandering, he came across the showroom of Auro Cool, where people were standing outside and watching TV. Cable connections had reached people’s homes by that time. But turns out, the CNN war was going on, and people hardly had access to CNN Network in the city. But not in Delhi, he learned, where this network is widely available.
So, his wheels turned to Delhi, and came back with knowledge, and a plan, to set up 100 connections in the city. His maternal uncle and friends helped him with the funds, and helped set up his business that earned him profits worth 8000 rs! That’s how he got his money to get married.

In the next three months, his 100 connections increased to 10,000 and his income rose to 80,000 which was more than enough. So, he devoted a chunk of it to his passion for photography and set up a photo colour lab in Bardoli.
It was during one of his visits to Bardoli, that he came across a Car Mela, where people used to sell second-hand cars. His engines revved again! But he already had two businesses running
So he called up his sibling and handed him the colour lab. The business has now flourished, being one of the best photography brands – AVF Studios.
Coming back to our hero, the first car he bought was a Fiat. He amended the car in 4 days and went to sell the car. To his astonishment, he sold the car within 20 minutes and earned a profit of 13000 rs. And that’s when he learned, given his background and determination, this is the industry he’d run the fastest and the longest! So he started buying one car at a time. He would travel every Sunday to Bardoli and managed to sell off the car in an hour.
What made me different from others was my vision to change the car owing to my automobile background.
He took up a small office space in Surat from someone and decided to pay 2% of commission on cars that he bought and sold, as a means of rental since he couldn’t afford an office of his own yet. But soon the land owner started demanding more profit share, and Yatin had to let go of that place.
Then, he took up his first office in the Opera House from a friend on a credit of 3 months, ensuring that he made an appealing office because people buy what people see and he wanted to show the best! The ambiance design cost him thrice the cost of the place
In the very first month of opening his office, he sold 40 cars – a record he still can’t break. Though he deals in the premium segment now. But he gave himself to the industry and his business, and the industry too has been equally generous to him!

I have become so experienced in this field that I can predict the cost of the car or the selling price of the car, just by seeing it and knowing how old the car is.
But by 2016, he left his office and started working from home owing to parking issues
In October 2022, he bought a new place in one of the busiest areas of the city, which came to be named as Y-Zone.
Now he plans to go even further and introduce Future Zone which will cover EV bikes and car restaurants. He also plans to establish fine car detailing and car washing services on his premises, along with a tyre shop.
In the backseat
Yatin is a proud father of two very talented children. His son works in India’s leading chain of hotels called Ramada in New Zealand and bought Tesla out of his earnings. Similarly, his daughter lives independently in the UK, earning 200 euros/week.

Few right choices and decisions in my life changed my destiny and made me successful.
In the past 28 years, he has never cheated with his customers. His customers trust him due to his work ethics and abilities. He never compromises when it comes to cars. That’s why he hires the best service providers out there for the servicing of his cars. And due to all these, he has sold around 3000 cars to mostly repetitive customers.
Of course, HF being HF, we scooped some surprising facts about Yatin. One is that he is very, very good with numbers! He remembers his bank account numbers, the car numbers of all his relatives, and each car he ever sold! Second, he can get his hands on cars that aren’t that easily available.
For everyone, a car is a vehicle, for me it’s an emotion.
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