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5 Bitter Ugly Truths Of Life And Ways To Navigate The Same

5 Bitter Ugly Truths Of Life And Ways To Navigate The Same

Luke Coutinho, Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle

Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine, Founder of You Care - All about YOU by Luke Coutinho

Life is a journey filled with harsh realities that we must confront head-on. These bitter truths might not be easy to accept, but once we do, we can pave the way for positive change. Sometimes, we find ourselves in situations or with people we can't change. In these cases, making the choice to stay and gracefully accept the circumstances is essential. Constant resistance only amplifies our pain and suffering. Remember, everyone has choices, and they must own the consequences of those choices.

Here, we're dropping five truth bombs about life:

  1. Your unhappiness is your fault.

  • If you keep people in your life who are not worthy of your respect and what you do for them,

  • If you allow people to walk all over you and disrespect you, 

  • If you don't give love, respect, and appreciation but expect it from others,

  • If your reason for what you should be doing is not strong enough, and you keep letting inconsistency, indiscipline, and demotivation get in your way,

  • It's your fault.

Complaining and blaming won't help. Projecting your anger, envy, and insecurity onto others won't help. Labeling yourself as depressed won't help. Being stuck in victim mode won't help. Filling your voids with alcohol smokes, drugs, over-socializing, and over-shopping won't help. Watching motivational content and consuming self-help books and spiritual doses won't help if you don't start taking action. You and you alone are responsible for taking action. Take help if you must, but you have to take action.

  1. Social Media Isn't the Problem; You Are

It's funny how people blame social media for messing up their emotions, and attitudes, wasting their time, and making them feel low through comparison, etc. That's what it's designed to do. The problem lies with you—your self-control issues, your lack of self-discipline, your disconnection with your inner self, and your undervaluation of your time. Accept the responsibility. Use it well or allow it to destroy you. The choice is always yours, and the actions you choose are your own.

  1. A bad attitude is your biggest disability

Knowledge and science around medicine, nutrition, exercise, and supplements will always keep changing. But the one fact that will never change is that a poor attitude can be the biggest obstacle in healing, recovery, growth, and fulfillment. It's a bitter ugly truth, but it is what it is. Over ten years of practice, a great lifestyle, and great medicine can only work with the right attitude of the patient. This truth applies to love, relationships, business, work, and personal evolution. Change your attitude, and you change it all for the better or worse.

  1. We are entitled to nothing in life

A lot of us live with a false sense of entitlement, and that creates our suffering. Entitlement to always having good days, never losing, always winning, and everyone liking and agreeing with your views. 

No matter who you are or how much you have, it doesn't increase your entitlement any more than what you are entitled to. Many times in life, our position, bank balance, fame, and success grow. Of course, you are entitled to all that comes with it. But we must ensure that because we have more power, we don't expect more than we are entitled to. This destroys our inner peace and makes us aggressive, arrogant, self-centered, and bitter. Resentment sets in when we don't get what we expect. Society and schools today have made people and kids believe that everyone wins and everyone's a winner. That's the easiest way to create more emotional and mental health issues, driving people and youngsters to abuse substances and commit suicide when they step into the real world and find out that reality isn't the pretty picture painted by most parents, schools, and society.

When we realize we are only entitled to what we deserve, earn, work for, intend, and believe in, we will feel happier, even when things don't go our way. More power and money don't make you entitled any more than someone else. You still need to keep your attitude and behavior in place.

  1. Most people always want to see you do well but only as bad as them.

Isn't it funny how people usually cheer for your success but secretly hope you don't outshine them? Envy is real. It's a human emotion after all. Become your cheerleader. Celebrate your victories and work towards your success, without worrying too much about what others think. In the end, the most satisfying journey is the one where you aim to be the best version of yourself, regardless of how others measure up.

Reflect, learn, and make the change. We should never stop learning. There is so much to learn. Mistakes hurt, betrayal, being cheated, being used, pain, grief, loss—all hurt, but they also serve as powerful lessons to evolve. Keep it real and keep moving forward.

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