Consistency Personified!
Every successful person on this planet would have one thing common in their success story - consistency!
Hence, keeping with our consistent streak of bringing you stories and fitness wonders of our city, we present the 7th edition, featuring Amant Kagzi, Prince Dabuwala and Audi on the cover!
Topics in this issue
Nothing says 'fitness' like proper diet and gymming!
Hence, for Commander in Talk, we got the commanders of their industry - Amanat Kagzi and Prince Dhabuwala to start this edition!
Our Nani is as quirky as it gets! She tells you how to take care of your health, by massaging your belly button!
HFM decided to get more creative this time! Thanks to Amee Dodia for getting in conversation about reducing fat, surgically; and Dr. Siddhesh Rajashyaksh to put some light on Stokes!
Arts like Yoga and Dance have changed Vaishnavi Jariwala and Malay Gandhi's life respectively, and now they are on the journey of changing others. Read their inspiring stories of hard work and consistency!
What comes to your mind when you think of eating healthy? Did you, even for a second, thought of cake? Well, this is your sign!
Parenting is hard. Trust us, we know! But an article by Riddhi Deorah full of parenting tips comes to the rescue!
In this world raging about the rights of women, (and rightly so!) we'd like to bring some light to the dear men! Let us try to understand What Men Want?
Also, to cherish the contribution of a father in all our lives, we have decided to get in conversation with a couple of our favorite Fit Fathers in town!
HFM is incomplete without true stories of inspiration! Featuring Manoj Agarwal, Abhishek Pandya, Priyanka Desai and Ankita Valand to blow us away with their business stories!
Explore a Journey from the Unknown!