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Simplified Monsoon Haircare Tips from Nani ka Pitara

Simplified Monsoon Haircare Tips from Nani ka Pitara

Hello Fitness Magazine

Hello fitness magazine’s nani ka pitaara section helps you keep rooted to your roots by simple things your nani used to believe! Let’s find monsoon must dos in this edition’s nani ka pitaara

Do you like when petrichor wafts into your nostrils to tell you how happy earth is? Do you like the pitter-patter of the rain creating a constant melody? No matter what you say, we can hear your hair shaking itself in a big NO!

It is no secret that our pretty hair doesn’t like the monsoon, for it makes them dull and frizzy.

The moisture-laden air traps dirt on our scalp, which results in scratchy heads and excessive hair fall. This also breeds bacteria and fungi and hence creates a playground for dandruff. Even the acidic waters due to ever-increasing pollution adds to hair loss. So, it is especially important to pamper our hair and take very good care of it during monsoons.

Hence, we bring you some tips to make your hair feel extra special!

1. Stay Dry

It is utterly important to keep your hair dry in this super wet season. Try not to go dancing in the rain, for the acidic water (which has about 5.6 pH) damages your hair. Use soft microfiber towels that absorb water rapidly. It’ll also be gentle to your hair and produces minimum friction, consequently reducing hair fall.

2. Oiling is the key

Nanis would excessively insist on oiling our hair. And given its benefits, why not? Oil your hair at least twice a week. It's better if you use warm oil that enhances blood circulation in the head and helps with frizzy hair. Oils also contain ingredients that not only enrich your hair but keep other scalp infections at bay! It also creates a shield against excessive moisture loss while washing your hair, or getting drenched in the rain.

3. Proper diet!

Isn’t Nani always after us to eat healthy? Turns out it's not solely for physical health but also healthy hair.

A protein-rich diet like eggs, walnuts, dairy products, and whole grains; along with green vegetables provides a nice shine to your hair. (The kind of which they show you in shampoo ads!)

Berries, nuts, spinach, and sweet potatoes are best for inducing good hair growth.

4. The Shorter, the better!

Long hair exerts pressure on your roots by pulling them down. They are harder to dry, and also ask for a lot more management. Shorter hair is a boon in this case. Hence if you planning to get a haircut, or trimming, try to sync your calendar with that of the monsoon’s.

5. Avoid Hair color and hairstyling

Like our moods, hair is also going through enough in monsoons. Hence it becomes harder for them to endure hair colors. Styling your hair exposes it to heating and chemical, which adds to the plight of hair and makes it drier and weaker.

These were some general tips on hair care.

But How about specific hair types? Or when the rainwater has found a way to your scalp? Nani has a Pitara-full tips for that too!

Oily Hair

Befriend a light gel-based shampoo to say bye-bye to excess oil and dirt. Use a light conditioner or serum to avoid your hair from becoming too oily or sticky.

Itchy Scalp

Bad guys like dirt and dead cells make our scalps itchy. Say hello to an antibacterial or antifungal shampoo to keep your scalp and hair clean. Also using a hair mask (that suits your hair) will help!


Warm an organic hair oil and massage it onto your scalp. This will remove all the unwanted things off your hair roots, (and your mind as well!) Use an anti-dandruff shampoo to wash it off.

Frizzy Hair

Say no to drenching in the rain, and using harsh chemical treatments. Use a nourishing hair mask, and herbal shampoo, and leave in a conditioner to control frizz and damage during the rainy season.

There you go! All set for a good-hair monsoon by Nani’s grace and tips!

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