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Your sexual orientation doesn’t make you abnormal!

Your sexual orientation doesn’t make you abnormal!

Dr Shachi Patel, Consultant Neuropsychologist

LGBTQIA Community and Asexuality

My POV: I have been getting consultations for patients who are bisexual as well as homosexual for a year now. When I entered my practice, the LGBTQIA community wasn’t as active as it is now in India due to stricter legislation. Public opinion of Homosexuality and bisexuality remains sharply divided by country, region, and economic developments. Although since 2000, the scenario has been improving in tier 1 and tier 2 cities.

To provide unbiased treatment, I have personally gone through a lot of literature about the LGBTQIA Community and have learnt their pronouns. I ensure I address them correctly when they drop in for a consultation.

Difficulties: People who have identified themselves as LGBTQIA have been going through a lot of mental confusion and challenges. After thorough research and multiple conversations, I can conclude that it takes a lot for them to accept their gender identities after realization. The rigid set of social and cultural norms, including family and friends, make it more difficult.

Some people identify themselves under this category and do not wish to get married, haven’t come out clean about their choices to the family and have nobody to share with. These people have also been scared of opening up due to being judged a lot by the communities. Some of them have also been kicked out of their homes or have been living separately because of the family pressure of getting married to an opposite gender. I think they also do it to avoid violent relationships and situations.

They have been given derogatory labels in this society which also sometimes prevent them from attending educational institutions and offices. This community has been feeling extremely excluded because they haven’t been given the deserving space in the social circle. In India, certain websites have systematised their login systems into two categories only when it comes to sexual orientation, i.e. Male/ Female. There is a reason for mentioning “other” for all those who do not stand in either category of male or female. They sometimes compromise a lot and face numerous issues when it comes to the simple identification of their gender. I have also seen horrid stories of social media dating apps, where this community has been harassed physically as well as mentally.

When they come to me, seeking help for whatever reason may be, it takes a lot of time for them to open up. Rapport building is challenging as it is difficult to build up trust after being hurt on different levels.

Importance of Acceptance & Awareness for LGBTQIA Community and Asexuality | Dr. Shachi Patel | Hello Fitness Magazine

How should one navigate through the situation?

I think acceptance and awareness have been created in the past year or two, which needs to be more precise. Social media and television channels should give a piece of proper information about who they are and how they function with their labels.

Society needs to understand that the LGBTQIA community is not aliens, it is not a mental illness to be gay, lesbian or intersex.

They are normal human beings and their choices are completely normal. They should be treated equally in social circles.

Equal medical care should be provided rather than preferential treatment. Equal job opportunities in every sector are their constitutional right as well

If your child has identified under the community of LGBTQIA, then it is essential being parents to embrace their choices. These people go through a lot of mental adversities and so parents should be open and supportive enough to talk it out.

The stigma based on sexual orientation has to stop, we have to stop pushing people to graveyards of mental confusion, especially after what all they grow through during gender dysphoria and confusion.

Lastly, I would say Humanity is above all, and everyone must be treated equally.


As compared to acceptance of homosexuality and bisexuality which has positively evolved in the past few years, asexuality remains invisible

Asexuality is a type of sexual orientation which is characterised by a lack of sexual attraction towards anyone. It should not be confused with chastity, an asexual person can choose to engage in sexual behaviours but will not experience any sexual attraction

Asexuality seems to be more common in women than men. The reason is Pressure. Women are always expected and seen as a giver. This is also related to sex, men will always think of women as a giver of sex.

These women always stay in the closet due to high expectations from society. Asexual women usually go through a lot of judgement and stigma. There can be marital rapes or corrective rapes due to their sexual orientation. Coming out of the closet for them is very difficult as they are usually told, “It's a phase and it will pass”. They are also being labelled as feminists or anti-men. Comments like “Are you a robot?’’, and “But sex is important” have also been observed. People in this world see it as a disease which is not the case. One does not just decide to go asexual. Asexuality is not a concept but a type of sexual orientation.

Importance of Acceptance & Awareness for LGBTQIA Community and Asexuality | Dr. Shachi Patel | Hello Fitness Magazine

How should we navigate through the situation:

One should accept that people can have a lot of types of attractions which are not sexual. These people do not have a sexual attraction but they do feel a romantic attraction which makes them a ‘normal’ human being.

If someone around you comes out as asexual, please believe them rather than make fun of them or tag them with labels.

We all need more reading on this topic and ace-identities. People also need a lot of awareness regarding the same

Don’t try to ask weird and intrusive questions about their sex life and make it awkward for them. Call out on people who misbehave or mistreat people with different sexual orientations.

Dr. Shachi Patel

Dr Shachi Patel is a highly qualified and experienced Consultant Neuropsychologist. Neuropsychologists are trained in both psychology and neuroscience and specialize in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of brain-based disorders, including cognitive, behavioral, and emotional problems.

 Dr Shachi Patel | Hello Fitness Magazine

As a neuropsychologist, Dr Shachi Patel brings a unique perspective to the field of mental health, combining her expertise in psychology and neuroscience to provide a comprehensive approach to treatment. The Mind Clinic-India, which she founded, is dedicated to providing patients with the highest standard of care, using a holistic brain-body approach to diagnose and treat a wide range of emotional, behavioral, and cognitive problems.

Dr. Shachi Patel's commitment to developing strong relationships with her patients and their families through empathetic communication, a respectful attitude, and a commitment to the confidentiality of information at all times is a testament to her dedication to her patient's well-being. She is passionate about helping her patients achieve optimal mental health and is highly regarded for her contributions to the field of neuropsychology in India.

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