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Trapped Online: Understanding and Breaking Free from Porn Addiction

Trapped Online: Understanding and Breaking Free from Porn Addiction

Penned by- Vaibhaw Tiwari

The internet has become the hero in the stories of millions today. It has changed millions of people's lives by becoming a medium that brings the world's knowledge to them or helps them spread their craft all around the world.

At the same time, it has also become the villain of several households. Apart from bringing and spreading knowledge, it has given the world another thing- addiction.

The internet is credited for creating three bad characteristics in our society: gaming addiction, sports-betting addiction, and, the worst of them all, porn addiction.

In this article, we will unravel the reasons behind the rise of pornography addiction in today's times. As well as also take a look at the harm caused by the same and how a person with an addiction can get out of the vicious cycle.

What is Porn Addiction exactly?

There are many people out there who consider watching porn as a nonchalant activity. For them, it is something everyone does once in a while, and hence when they come across words like porn addiction, they frown to question: do such things really exist?

The simple answer to this question is yes. "Porn addiction is considered a behavioural addiction that is characterised by an ever-growing compulsion to view pornographic content or material," says Leah Miller, a trained mental health counsellor.

However, things don't stop at that. The very compulsion to watch a video is not where this ends. In his book The Fix, Damian Thompson mentioned that addiction is a disease. Quoting a paper written by Gene M. Heyman, he writes, "Like other chronic diseases, addiction often involves a cycle of relapse and remission." He further claims that without proper treatment or involvement in recovery programs, a person with an addiction can become disabled or even encounter premature death.

So, now we know that there are people out there who feel the urge to watch these videos more than one would consider normal. But what really caused this addiction? Has this always been the case, or is this a new phenomenon? Let's find out better in the next segment.

How the internet fuels Porn Addiction

While we boast of the digital age that we live in, where any knowledge is only a click away, we tend to forget there are downsides to this as well. It is because of this IT culture we see porn accessibility has reached unprecedented levels.

The best way to realise this harsh truth will be to look at the metric that states: 13% of the internet consists of porn websites. Furthermore, Websites like Pornhub and Xvideos dominate the internet, with the former getting 5.49 billion monthly visits in May 2024, and the latter is not close behind with 4.02 billion.

What's really alarming is the unfiltered nature of this material. From young teens to older people, anyone can access graphic content with minimal effort. This means that teens can be exposed to things beyond their imagination and maturity level. It is this unfiltered availability and lack of regulation that heightens the risk of addiction among any said age group of any gender.

Adverse Effects of Porn Addiction

Excess of anything has adverse effects on the person in possession or exposure to it. This is true for porn as well. Gail Dines, the author of Pornland, shares the same sentimentIn her book, she has made some valid yet bold claims about the excess consumption of porn.

Strained Relationships

There are many things that people think can go wrong with those who suffer from porn addiction. But the inability to maintain healthy relationships is not one of them. Gail Dines, in her work, has thrown light on this aspect.

"I have found that the earlier men use porn," says Dines, "the more likely they are to have trouble developing close, intimate relationships with real women. Some of these men prefer porn to sex with an actual human being. They are bewildered, even angry, when real women don't want or enjoy porn sex."

Decline in mental health

Any addiction is bad for you as it rewrites your brain's reward system, and you end up in a cycle of dependency that leads to anxiety, guilt, and depression. This happens mostly because your brain is craving more stimulation every moment. You build a tolerance, which eventually leads to overconsumption.

Porn addicts, over time, find themselves trapped in a cycle of shame and frustration. This leads to our next issue: social isolation.

Social Isolation

Any screen-based addiction has the tendency to isolate people from society. And that is what porn addiction does to an individual. They suddenly find themselves withdrawing from their friends and family.

Since their brain craves virtual stimulation, their social activities take a back seat. Over time, this isolation leads to loneliness, lack of social skills, and difficulty in forming good and deep connections, which further turns them toward their addiction.

Breaking free

Acknowledging the problem is perhaps the biggest step towards improvement. Still, breaking free from porn addiction or any other addiction, as a matter of fact, is not an overnight process. But it is certainly filled with hope and possibilities.

Start by opening up to someone you can trust. It doesn't matter if they're a family member, a close friend, or someone confident. Sharing your struggles can lighten the burden and provide a sense of accountability. The next step is to limit your consumption. It is perhaps the hardest of them all, but something that you need to do at all costs. Perhaps undertaking a digital detox can help you in this process.

Finally, consider seeking professional help or joining a support group. Through the help of a specialist, you can understand the root cause of your problem. They can also help you in coming up with strategies to manage triggers. Furthermore, there are several online and offline communities that can offer you a safe space to connect with others facing similar challenges.

Porn addiction is a growing concern, fueled by the internet’s unlimited access and unregulated content. As explored, the line between compulsion and addiction is thin, but the consequences—ranging from strained relationships to mental health challenges—are profound. Yet, hope lies in taking small, meaningful steps toward recovery.

Open conversations with trusted individuals, actively limiting consumption, and seeking professional or community support can pave the way to breaking free. While the journey requires effort and commitment, it ultimately leads to a more balanced, fulfilling life, where connections and personal growth take precedence over fleeting, virtual gratification.