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Olzin : Nature friendly & Vegan!

Olzin : Nature friendly & Vegan!

Abhar Italiya | HFM

HFM is forever in search of inspiring innovative stories, and then we got in conversation with Abhar Italiya, owner of Olzin, to get our minds blown!

“Yes, my name is Abhar Italiya, and it means Thank You!” was his first sentence, and soon we smoothed into a very insightful conversation.

“I always wanted to make a difference in society.” And hence he started Olzin

How he tries to save the environment -

The wastewater comprises wastes such as kitchen waste, human excreta, etc, which are known as biowaste. Such waste can be easily used as manure. The waste also includes the chemicals that we use in our daily life, which come in the bottles of dishwashes, detergents, soap bars, toothpastes, etc, and gets washed away into the water.

Hence, the idea of Olzin was to convert such chemicals into green chemicals so that they all can be given away as free manure and fertilizer to the farmers. They produce bio dishwashes, detergents, etc, that do not render the collective wastewater poisonous and can be further used as fertilizers.

The advent of Detergent –

The very first product of Olzin was Bio Detergent.

Generally, we need soft water for washing clothes, for hard water has a huge salt concentration that makes the removal of dirt difficult. But Bio Detergent can be used on both hard and soft water for the perfect cleaning of clothes.

“Hence, with this detergent, water is no more the part of chemical formula (where detergent reacts with the dirt) but just a medium.”

Discussing the benefits of this product, we were amazed!

  • It works effortlessly in hard water. It might not show the best results on white clothes, (for they add optimal brightener) but it is undisputedly best for all other clothes.
  • It doesn't let clothes shed color. (Exception - the clothes that shed color even when they come in contact with water)
  • You don't have to clean your machine repeatedly
  • Works on all types of clothes!

Talking Vegan!

We learned that Abhar is a huge vegan and had the honor to be enlightened on the same!

Cows are forcefully made pregnant so that they can provide milk. And the process can get brutal. They fertilize them 17-18 times and then kill them for meat.

“Moreover, the hormone released in pregnancy comes in milk, and when that milk is consumed by a female, it leads to premature breasts that later might add to breast cancer.”

He also adds “The grain production of the US is enough to feed the entire world if a substantial portion of it does not go to poultry and animal husbandry, which in turn feeds a portion of non-vegertarians.”

The numbers of these all were a nasty math affair!

Benefits –

“It has several benefits, like going strictly vegan for 15 days can help cure type 2 diabetes. It helps with increasing productivity, for even athletes and sports players are adapting veganism.”

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