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Mamma Mia!!! A fulfilling trail of Motherhood by Divya Harjani

Mamma Mia!!! A fulfilling trail of Motherhood by Divya Harjani

Hello Fitness Magazine

Tell me about the most beautiful feeling in the world. Most of you will say love! And that's right of course! But when it comes in the most selfless form you call it mother’s love. Though we all knew about this form of love, this thought got all refreshed when we were in a candid conversation with one of the happiest mothers in town.

Ms Divya Harjani is a Delhiite by heart as she was born and brought up in the Capital but now, she also has a bit of a Surti touch in herself as she has been in this city for quite a few years. Today she has her small world, a husband and a lovely son, in this not so small city. She calls herself a fulltime mother and homemaker by choice. “when I had my son, I hired a caretaker for him for 2 months but then I found out I am very Jealous mother, Ha...Ha...” so she set her priorities and chose to be a full-time mother “I found it to be the loveliest thing to do” and we all agree to that. Divya is very clear that if given a choice today she will choose to be a mother above anything “because that gives me immense pleasure”. At the end of the day, she is a satisfied and proud mother of her son. Seeing him she feels that “I believe I am building a foundation and nurturing something that I could tell is my own".

Divya Harjani - A Mother, A Blogger or A Mother whos’ a Blogger!

Mamma Mia!!! A fulfilling trail of Motherhood by Divya Harjani | Hello Fitness Magazine

In her decision of choosing home and child above all amazed others and they used to ask her zillions of questions about how is she managing it alone and reasons behind her choices so rather than answering each one of them she started writing blogs. Her blogs were all about her motherhood Journey. “People started reading and liking my blogs and after sometime brands started approaching me” first call she got was from First Cry and then many other local brands started approaching. That’s how this whole blogging and Instagram thing started. “It's not something I thought I ever wanted to do, it just happened naturally alongside my motherhood but soon it became a professional thing.”

Today also she just spares not more than 30 minutes a day. She is passionate about writing but blogging just happened naturally. It’s simple, she just loves to pen down about her son. “Blogging is a part time thing that’s happening and my passion is still motherhood”.

Spiritual Approach and Balancing

Mamma Mia!!! A fulfilling trail of Motherhood by Divya Harjani | Hello Fitness Magazine

“Here learning comes from my grandfather” growing up with grandparents she understands the importance of values and learning. Divya believes that setting her priorities would help a lot “as you know that for me my son and his duties are my priorities” so prioritizing your day and making schedules is her mantra to balance her tasks. And another most important thing she believes is “do everything with a smile and with grace so you can do two more things by the end of the day”. Her motivation or boost for life is being grateful for anything and everything in life. “I am never tired of life, every day has been a blessing for me and still is”.

Ms Divya Harjani is a keen believer of Ramayana and devotee of lord Ram. She believes that many people understand the learning but what’s important is the execution. Many times people lack that wisdom to use their knowledge for that one’s spiritual awakening is very important.

Divya Harjani - Fit Mommy in Town

She got into fitness when she was 16 years old. “As a teenager I was hefty and fat, almost around 85 kg” her family motivated her to go to gym, that’s how she started her long and hard fitness journey. And today there is no going back, she is so much into fitness that today that’s her lifestyle and whenever she is given a choice, she will only choose healthy food and routine over unhealthy and comfortable. “I do my fitness routine and play sports so that I can set an example for my son and he can look up to me”.

Message from a Fit, wise and proud Mommy!

Mamma Mia!!! A fulfilling trail of Motherhood by Divya Harjani | Hello Fitness Magazine

“Every day try to wake up with a smile and go back to bed with a smile no matter what happens during the day. Medicine and gym may not work for you if you do not choose happiness. Choose Joy every day. Your joy can be different from mine but choose Joy everyday”.

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