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Santiy guided by Psychotherapist Falak Jenil Gandhi

Santiy guided by Psychotherapist Falak Jenil Gandhi

Hello FItness Magazine

Hello Fitness Magazine always ensures talking about mental health, for it's as crucial as anything and everything else, if not more so! And hence, we decided to go on a coffee date with the Proud Owner of Samvednasetu and a very talented Psychologist based out of Surat, Ms. Falak Jenil Gandhi, who sipped coffee and enlightened us with her expertise.

Coffee with Falak

“I became a psychologist because I realized that it’s a service, and I wanted to do it. Plus psycho-education is crucial in these unprecedented times!” quotes Falak Gandhi when asked why she chose this profession.

She initiates the conversation by addressing how stigma still prevails in society when it comes to getting professional help for mental issues.

All these thoughts of ‘log kya kahenge’, and society’s words like ‘all these things happen in life, don’t give much importance’ are what keep people from opting for therapy.

“Psychotherapy is a skill, like math and science, which helps to cope with life more healthily. Every person needs therapy to maintain their sanity.”

She was generous enough to share an anecdote where a friend of Falak posts an Instagram story tagging her. A third person calls up Falak’s friend to tell her how amazing a therapist Falak is, and how she has helped transform that third party’s life!

That’s the magic of good therapy people!

“So whenever you think there are holes on your cover, it’s wise to seek help in putting a new cover on it.”

What exactly does Samvednasetu do?

Samvednasetu is a mental health center for children and adults. We refinishing mental health thoughts in Samvednasetu. It's an initiative to educate the public on misconceptions about psychology.

How do you deal with your patients?

“First of all, I ask them to relax, try to empathize with them, and then ask 5-People questions, to make them understand that we are here for them.”

So Falak’s famous 5-People question is - Name 5 people who are very close to you. Next, she asks to narrow down the list to three, who know everything about you. Then narrow the list further down to one.

The answer to the last one should be You, for no one knows more about you than your own self.

Do Therapists need Therapists?

Yes! We are human beings Afterall. “When I am lost or unwell, I need help too!, says “Listening to people’s issues all the long do affect you once in a while and hence we opt to go to therapy ourselves. Someone once said that since I am a therapist, I must be immune to the emotional override at times of Covid. But that was not the case. Yes, I was privileged to have stronger immunity, but being a human myself, it did affect me.”

Sometimes it also happens that Falak finds patients who are going through the same thing as her. In such cases, she humbly recommends them to some other therapists.

“Though it has happened that while talking to people, I get answers and solutions to my issues.”

Some Quick Questions that we received from our readers, Falak responds on point!

1. What is the difference between self-love and being selfish?

When you spare some time for yourself and practice the things that you like to do, then it’s self-love. But if that practice of self-love affects someone’s life or health, then it crosses the fine line and becomes selfishness.

2. When is it okay to ignore and when should we not ignore things and thoughts in our hearts and mind?

If it doesn't create distress in your life, then you can let them be. Though acknowledgment of the same is necessary.

3. Who are psychiatrists and do psychiatrists & psychologists recommend each other?

Psychiatrists are the ones who tell you exactly what a person is diagnosed with. They will ask about a person’s history starting from the time they were just a foetus in the womb. Next, they will carry out assessments and diagnosis, and later, if the situation demands it, suggest medications. Yes, we are advised to recommend each other, if we believe that the other person will be able to help the patient better. And I hope everybody takes that advice, psychologists and psychiatrists alike, and focus on the utmost benefit of the patient keeping aside their own.

Please take care!

HFM in its every edition, including this one, advises everyone to be aware of their mental health and take special care, and never to be shy from going to a therapist. Stay healthy, sane!

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